Health Benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as a diuretic, disinfectant, stimulant, antidepressant, antiseptic, aperitif, lymphatic and tonic substance.
Grapefruit, also known as Shaddock in certain areas of the world, is a Citrus fruit, whose scientific name is Citrus Paradisi. It is also known by two other scientific names, Citrus Racemosa and Citrus Maxima. The latter, is thus named because of that varieties very large size. Like all other citrus fruits, its Essential Oil is present in its peel and extracted by compression. Many of its medicinal properties match those of the essential oils of other citrus fruits.
Grapefruit essential oil is composed of Limonene, Alpha Pinene, Sabinene, Myrcene, Geraniol, Linalool, Citronellal, Decyl Acetate, Neryl Acetate and Terpinenol, out of which the top two constituents are Limonene and Myrcene. Grapefruit tastes great and the essential oil has a wide variety of health options.
Health Benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil
Let us now see what some of the benefits of this powerful essential oil have in store for your body!
Antioxidant: Like the fruit itself, the essential oil of Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants. Primarily, it has a wealth of Vitamin-C. This vitamin, combined with the other antioxidant components present in grapefruit essential oil, boosts our immune system and fights against the activity of free radicals. This oil is effective in protecting the body from all harm done by various oxidants and toxins, including premature aging, degeneration of tissues, macular degeneration, loss of vision and hearing, mental and physical sluggishness, nervous disorders and other related problems.
Disinfectant: The antiviral and antimicrobial properties of grapefruit essential oil make it a good disinfectant. It not only protects the body from new infections but also eliminates the infections which are already there. It is particularly effective in treating infections of the colon, stomach, intestines, urinary system, excretory system and kidneys. Furthermore, it is beneficial for oral and ocular infections as well as infections of the skin.
grapefruitessentialoilAntiseptic: The antiseptic properties of grapefruit essential oil make it perfect for application on bruises, wounds, cuts, and acne to protect them from microbial infections. Furthermore, as an antiseptic, it prevents wounds from developing tetanus or from becoming septic.
Stimulant: This oil stimulates the body in a variety of ways. It has stimulating effects on both the body and the mind. It stimulates the brain by making it active and gives new direction to thoughts as well as stimulates endocrinal glands and promotes proper secretion of hormones and enzymes, thereby keeping your body’s entire metabolism in proper order. It also stimulates the nervous system and makes you more active and alert. The digestive system also benefits from this essential oil as it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and bile in the stomach, as well as movement of ingested food through the intestines. Furthermore, it stimulates the lymphatic, circulatory, and excretory system.
Antidepressant: Like the essential oils of most citrus fruits, grapefruit essential oil has an uplifting and relaxing effect on mind. It induces positive feelings of hope, cures depression, and relieves anxiety and stress. This effect comes from two sources. First, due to its aroma and second, due to its stimulating effects of certain hormones that have uplifting effects on the brain.
Appetite Loss: If you think you need to eat less and have a good appetite then, this essential oil could be very helpful. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to take it just before the dinner. A regular dose can decrease your appetite and aid in weight management.
Diuretic: The diuretic properties of Grapefruit Essential Oil keep your body light and free from toxins by promoting urination. It help in the removal of excess water, fats, sodium, uric acid and other toxins from the body and also reduces blood pressure to keep the heart healthy. Frequent urination also keeps the urinary tract free from infections. It cleans the kidneys of all calcareous and uric deposits and protects them against renal calculi and infections.
Lymphatic: Its activity as a lymphatic substance is probably the best property of grapefruit essential oil. The lymphatic system plays a vital role in our body and is involved in the removal of unwanted and toxic substances. Grapefruit oil ensures healthy functioning of the lymphatic system and boosts its activity, thereby clearing the body of toxins and fighting problems like cellulite, blood urea, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and renal calculi.
Tonic: You are probably familiar with the term ‘Tonic’. It comes in various forms like hair tonic, health tonic, and liver tonic. The question is – what is a tonic substance? A tonic is something that generally tones up organ systems. A hair tonic tones hair follicles and keeps your hair healthy and strong. A complete health tonic tones up all the organ systems operating inside your body, including the digestive, circulatory, metabolic, nervous and excretory systems. It increases overall health and strength. Similarly a liver tonic tones up the liver and improves its secretion rate and function.
If you think you need a tonic for any reason, turn to grapefruit essential oil, which has long been known as a great tonic for the body.
Other Benefits: Grapefruit essential oil keeps the skin clean. It is particularly good for treating oily skin and acne, and it also provides a refreshing feeling. It can also be beneficial for treating stiffness and cramps in the muscles.
A Few Words of Caution: Grapefruit essential oil can cause skin irritation if exposed to strong sunlight after application. Besides this, there are no inherent risks to consuming this essential oil, although it should probably be avoided during pregnancy.