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It has been experimentally proven that with the application of honey, the condition of a person suffering from psoriasis can be improved and the inflammation can be reduced to a significant extent. Honey, in combination with a few other ingredients, has shown positive, beneficial results when applied on patients suffering from psoriasis.
This article tries to bring the related facts to you, but it does not recommend using honey alone for treatment of psoriasis. It is a supplemental treatment along with other doctor-prescribed treatments.
From the results of a few experiments involving different numbers of patients, it has been concluded that with the use of honey, psoriasis patients can be given some relief from the inflammation and the peeling away of the skin in the affected areas. It also helps to protect the affected areas from other types of infections. Before we delve into the properties of honey that make it useful in treating psoriasis, we should fully understand what psoriasis exactly is.
All of you intelligent readers might have very well guessed by now that how honey should be applied in psoriasis. I’m glad that you are following the writing on the wall. Honey, sometimes alone and sometimes in combination with other ingredients, can be applied on the affected places. If using plain honey is too boring for you, psoriasis-affected places can be applied with the following mixtures.
Honey – Bee Wax – Olive Oil Mixture: These three ingredients are generally mixed in equal parts in the ratio 1:1:1 and gently applied on the areas affected with psoriasis.
Honey – Bee Wax – Olive Oil – Clobetasol Propionate Mixture: This mixture cannot be called a completely organic mixture, but I thought it should still find a place here because it was found to be more beneficial than using Clobetasol Propionate alone, in the treatment of psoriasis.
Honey – Vaseline Mixture: This is also a great solution for dry, patchy skin resulting from psoriasis or any other skin condition. Just mix the two ingredients (in whatever quantity you desire) in a ratio of 1:1 and apply on the affected areas. This will make the skin moist, prevent cracking and peeling away, reduce inflammation and soothe the affected areas.
Some More: It is interesting to note that honey will not only soothe and reduce inflammation, but it will also help in the growth of new skin in the damaged areas.
Additional Tips: To get better results for the treatment of psoriasis, you may try the following;
Increase your intake of fish oil, Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids, as well as soothing or non-inflammatory foods.
Reduce your intake of chilies, pepper, sugar, and all inflammatory food items.
Vitamin-D (Found in very high amounts in Fish Oil) helps in psoriasis.
Increase the amount of vegetables in your diet; particularly cucumbers, squash, and watermelon.
Reduce your intake of any kind of meat, poultry, or pork, but not fish.

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100kg, 10kg, 1kg, 200kg, 250g, 5kg, 25kg, 500g, 50kg

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